
Posts Categorized: Conference

How to play jet-x/
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Lars Horn Interview

Lars Horn’s memoir workshop is going to be incredibly exciting. I got the chance to do an email interview with them to find out more about their process of writing... Read more »

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Top 4 Reasons to Attend IUWC

Once you have decided to attend a writers’ conference, the next logical question is: Which one? There are hundreds of conferences across the world and a cursory search online, such... Read more »

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Meet the IUWC Workshop Faculty

Interested in receiving personalized feedback from top writers? The Indiana University Writers’ Conference will host workshops in poetry, fiction, and memoir to help conference participants take their writing to the... Read more »

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Why Attend a Writers Conference?

Do you want to improve your writing? Need a fresh pair of eyes on your work? Writers’ conferences are special events. They give participants an opportunity to focus on their... Read more »