Why I Write Wednesday: IUWC Intern Assata Dailey


I have always been a good writer. In middle school I used to tell myself I could write about anything. I’ve never been a math or science person. I was always wired to be a writer. Whether it’s writing a paper for a class or filling out grants, I just enjoy it all. However, I am a poet first. I believe in lyrical storytelling that can be executed in the fewest words and still feel like an entire novel.

My undergraduate career has taken me on a journey of acknowledging and owning my writing talents. I used to downplay myself a lot when it came to writing. I used to call myself a writer because I’m good at it. But in the past year, I have discovered that I am a writer because I can’t help but write.

The beauty of writing to me is the ability to create something out of nothing. But writing is also a space where I can create something out of anything. When I am not dancing, I am crafting my embodied expressions on paper.  I am tapping into developing my voice, and what I want to say with it. My goal is to write poetry for all the hopeless romantics of color out there.