Why I Write Wednesday: IUWC Participant Marshall Farren
Former IUWC participant Marshall Farren graduated from Indiana University in 2019 with a degree in human development and family studies. During his freshman year at IU, he sought a way to express his creativity and decided to take a creative writing class. The course resonated with him deeply, and Marshall fell in love with writing literary fiction and creating stories that portray “life as we experience it.”
Marshall describes his writing process as a bit unorthodox. It is not necessarily defined, and he says that it is difficult to sit down and pour out words for two to three hours every day. Marshall’s creativity comes in bursts, and he likes to go to a coffee shop when feeling inspired to write. Although writing is not something that comes naturally to him, Marshall thinks that “the struggle makes the process and the end result more satisfying”.
The summer after he graduated in 2019, Marshall decided to participate in IUWC. He attended the conference with the desire to spend intentional time focusing on writing. Having never attended a writers’ conference in the past, Marshall shares that he really enjoyed the feedback he received from the faculty about his writing.
Currently, Marshall is getting ready to start a graduate program for clinical mental health counseling in the fall. He plans to continue to write literary fiction throughout graduate school. Creative writing ultimately inspired Marshall’s decision to study mental health, and he hopes that his education can help him further explore the human condition. Eventually, he would like to use creative writing in his career and create works that show the “joys and struggles of being human” and champion relatable characters for his audiences. Marshall says that he is excited about his future career and “hopes to never stop writing.”
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